Are you tired of seeing show after show brought back by Netflix,Amazon or Hulu but not YOUR favorite ? Scapers it is time to rise up. In these trying times we need something to get us through and that is Moya and her crew. There is interest from the cast and writers to return to the Uncharted Territories. We need to show Brian Henson and producers/distributors that we have grown in numbers around the globe and are eager to watch. A multi-pronged attack is needed. Social media attracts the attention these days of both the makers and fellow fans. There will be a list of entities to tweet, email, tag on tumblr or any other social media you use. It is important that the messages include when /how you became a fan and your geographical location. Age is not as important as it use to be with broadcast but feel free to mention it! There is a belief that there aren’t that many “new” fans. As someone who attends cons and goes on social media looking for Farscape I know this to be untrue! The other part of this attack involves old school mailing. Yes you will need to get a stamp and a post card (preferrably showing your town) and mail it to the Henson Company. Best to include how/when you started watching and age if you choose. This part of the attack we will try and have a narrow window so it will be obvious it is part of an organized effort. We do encourage all around the world to participate as streaming shows are often sold to international channels and released on dvd. Shows that have world wide appeal are better “risks”.
The other prong is to get word out to your favorite TVbloggers that you want them to write about Farscape and why it needs to be brought back. Whether it be Matt Roush,EW, TVAddict —- follow them and Tweet or comment. Get Farscape on their radar!
This is a grassroots endeavour. So use your creativity and your other fandoms. I always get a surprise when I mention Farscape in other fandoms (even non scifi ones!) that I encounter other Farscape fans! So get them to retweet you (even if you have to return the favor by retweeting something that isn’t your passion 🙂
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