It has been a good week for the campaign despite the silence from key players. Our normal Twitter activity using the hashtag is a couple of dozen. During the anniversary Tweet fest it rose to over 400 different users from 4 continents ( shout out to Madagascar!). Anniversary week brought a couple of well viewed blog posts from @syfywire which were in turn picked up by Getting the campaign media attention is important as that gets investor attention. Henson pretty quiet as usual but a sweet mention from writer Ricky Manning that was seconded by Anthony Simcoe. This is grassroots and I think we have to assume there is still interest in Farscape by those who can make it happen. It looks better for it to be fans motivated and coming together as we did in 2002 rather than fans being directed to tweet . I hope those who recently joined social media to participate will continue to tweet when they have time using the hashtag #farscapenow. Artistic types consider Instagram posts with the hashtag tumblr folks are pretty amazing and creative so check it out if you want ideas!
Remember to share who you are!! Checkout the graphics page or make your own!!
I noticed there are a few facebook groups with 275k members, are you cross promoting the Twitter feed there? I’d also consider cross posting with sg1 groups. I only found out about farscape accidentally when seeing an sg1 panel on YouTube? Sorry if this is all already do e. I agree it is surprising for such a popular show.not to have more support. I also think people are weary and that if rockne or Henson commented it would drive this hard. In the back mind.i feel this vacuum could be due to moment news re the movie, but who knows. Keep up the good work!
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